Gemini image'id

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Re: USB DVB-T Gemini 5.1

PostitusPostitas Radionov » 14:48, 10 Okt 2010

rimas kirjutas:Pean Geminit kiitma.
Olen alates usb tuuneri toest kasutanud Dream Elite. Väga hea, stabiilne ja kiire.
Üks asi on, mis siiski härib. Kui vaadata 1080p mkv-d ja samal hakkab taimeriga HD kanalit salvestama sama ketta peale, kust mängib mkv, lõpeb asi tavaliselt (peaaegu alati) mingit sorti pangestumisega. Vahel ei aita muu, kui vana hea juhe seinast.
LT-ga seda kunagi ei juhtunud. Arvasin, et põhjuseks on see, et LT6 on OE1.5 ja DE OE1.6
Nüüd proovisin Geminiga - mitte mingeid probleeme. :o
Avaldas muljet :!:

Sai kah siis Gemini 5.1. järele proovitud. Positiivse uudisena korjab 5.1. nüüd ka EPG enamustel provideritel suuremas ulatuses kui kaks saadet otse eetrist peale nagu seni toimis üksnes SKY Germany-ga. Kuna Dream Elite ´ga on asjad nii nagu on, siis Gemini hetkel flashi ka jääb.

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Re: Gemini image'id

PostitusPostitas kain » 14:05, 12 Nov 2010

IHAD peab sünnipäeva.
Hi ************!

It's the time that the IhaD is celebrating its 7th and the Gemini its 6th birthday.

Because of this very special day for us, we want to sample some historical and current events for you:

The IhaD in the past:

The IhaD was founded and opened on November, 17th 2003 by our admin and boardfounder Schaedelmeister, who still cares for the operation and preservation of the IhaD, and Cocksy, who left the Team after years of support due to personal reasons.

About one year later, on November, 14th 2004, in cooperation with the DBC, the first Enigma1 Gemini image was released for the Dreamboxes DM56XX and DM7000. It had been downloaded about 10.000 times from our servers.

In the end of 2004, the IhaD had 22.000 Users, and was already one of the biggest german Dreambox boards.

In the following months, Gemini1 was adapted for more and more Dreamboxes, starting with the DM500 over the DM7020, till the next milestone, the DM7025.

The DM7025 was the first new box which was supplied with enigma2 in serial-production.

Because of the big differences of Enigma1 and Enigma2, a new Gemini was created and released on February, 8th 2006 as Gemini2 0.90 for the DM7025.

Furthermore, Gemini2 was adapted and continousely developed in the last years for many new Dreamboxes (DM800, DM8000 and DM500HD).

In Summer 2006, the IhaD created a Wiki to describe the Gemini and its functions better and in more detail.

Roaring times came down to the IhaD in 2006, triggerd by the Premiere hack. From the beginning the IhaD board was against this hack and the sharing of keys and cardfiles on our platform and proceeded closed and without exception against them.

In the end of 2006, the IhaD had already MORE than 100.000 users.

Worried about the constantly growing number of cloneboxes the Ihad started the action "Ihad against clones" in 2008 to inform our users about the negative sides of cloneboxes, stopped any kind of support for this boxes and proceeded against them.

On November, 29th 2008 the IhaD released the first Gemini2 image for the DMM flagship DM8000SS.

In Summer 2008 the IhaD started the "IhaD Summer of Code", a competition for everyone, with the intention to write the tiniest plugin for Enigma2.

In the end of 2008 the 200.000 user registered himself.

In 2009 much to our regret we had to stop the developement of Enigma1 based Gemini1 images because of the big range of DMM products. This was a hard step for the IhaD-Team because the Enigma1 boxes have been grown to our hearts very much.

The first IhaD user meetings, called "IhaD Stammtisch", were esablished in 2009 nearly across europe, but mostly in german speaking regions.

There has been a huge extension and re-design of our Gemini-Wiki by the IhaD-Team, and english translations of lots of contributions with the help of many volunteers from the IhaD-board.

In the end of 2009 the 250.000 user registered himself.

In April 2010, marked by a bigger version-jump (from 4.7 to 5.0), we published Enigma2-based Gemini2 images with the newer Linux-Kernel provided by DMM.

The Gemini2 5.0 has also been the first Gemini2 image for the new Dreambox DM500HD.

The IhaD today:

Facts to our board
Dreambox Team admins: 3
Dreambox Team moderators: 20
Registered users: about 275.000
Number of Gemini1 downloads (summary of all boxes): 1.550.302
Number of Gemini2 downloads (summary of all boxes): 623.208
Number of GeminiX downloads (total): 2.173.510
Total number of posts: 1.203.312
Total number of threads: 126.556
Number of visits a month: about 500.000
Number of hits a month: about 100.000.000

The IhaD in the future

In the future we certainly want to play a major role in the Dreambox-scene, provide a good quality point for help-seeking people to solve their problems, a community which shows up with actions like the "boycott againstHD+" some deficites, and as point for images and developments (naturally developers too) of any kind.

We will keep making the IhaD user-meetings in the future. We think, that a meeting beside the virtuality is a very great thing and will support them by the presence of IhaD-Team members and an own section in our board for the arrangement of further meetings. A big thanks on this place to the users who arrange these meetings and care for the reservation of localities.

Gemini will experience pioneering developments too. You have to look forward in a curious way what the future will have for us. We can only say that we're in a hot phase of the Gemini development. There will be lots of new stuff. But this also means that you have to be a little patient and willing to wait a while until the new Gemini releases.

At last, the thank of the whole IhaD-Team goes to our sponsors and Without them this project wouldn't be possible. A further 'Thank you' goes to DMM for the support and the great "Men-Toys" which you have released in the last years, and of course to ALL our Users, VIPs, Betatsters which have made the IhaD to what is is today.
And we want to thank everyone who helped with their donations to cover the costs of this project.

A Lot of Fun on the IhaD whishes your Ihad-Team:

Schaedelmeister, Seddi, toppi

3c5x9, adenin, BillyBlue77, Bundy041, cepheus, Doc, EgLe, emanuel, godmode, haccg, ibrahim, JackDaniel, MagicJo, mahrko, maxl, mechatron, Mr.Bunny, SadButTrue, Shrek85, yvessun

Postitusi: 1052
Liitunud: 02:00, 08 Jaan 2007
Asukoht: Põltsamaa
    unknown unknown
On tänatud: 21 korda

Re: Gemini image'id

PostitusPostitas andres66 » 10:07, 10 Dets 2010

The Gemini Project 3

Gemini Plugin installation für Dummys

Hi {username}!

The time has come. The waiting has an end.

This weekend we will start a new age with Gemini. The age of the Gemini plugin (The Gemini Project 3).

What does it mean for you:

* You won't get full Gemini-images from us.
* You have to flash an image of your own choice (we recommend the iCVS, DMM release or experimental,...)
* You have to install the Gemini Wizard (already included in the iCVS)
* With the Gemini Wizard you can install a full- or baseversion from the Gemini plugin and it's components.

The advantages from the new Gemini plugin are clear:

* You get a plugin, that you can install in every image, which you can update every time you want.
* You can decide on your own, how comprehensive your Gemini plugin is (every Gemini app can be installed seperately)
* You can do updates online for Gemini and DMM innovations without reflash your box.

What is already available in the Gemini-plugin:

Of course every start is difficult, because the Gemini-plugin was coded all up new from the ground.

The already available functions are:

geminiplugin - Gemini Bluepanel desktop with Cam-Center, Devicemanager, Quickbuton, Filemanager,...
gemininfs - Gemini app to configure the NFS server
geminictorrent - Gemini torrent app
geminiweather - Gemini weatherinfo app
geminicccaminfo - Gemini CCcam informations app
geminiwebcam - Gemini webcam app
geminirssreader - Gemini RSS reader app
geminirezapp - Gemini rezapp app
geminidreamlpd - Gemini printserver app
geminiupnpc - Gemini UPnP client app
geminihttpd - Gemini webserver app
geminiushare - Gemini UPnP mediaserver app
geminisambaconfig - Gemini app to configure the Sambaserver

Further informations and a more detailed description of the Gemini plugin will you find in our Wiki on Gemini release.

In this context, we will also rise the iCVS again. It's very close to the DMM-CVS and already containing the Gemini-wizard for the installation of Gemini3, and beeing regularely supplied with updates.


*** esialgu mul see iCVS/Gemini3 maha võetud :| , katsetan Allrussian imaget (CrossEPG tänasest saadi tööle, Nova-T töötab) ja ootan, mida ilmuv EDGNemesis/DreamElite image uut pakub... kui pakub.
Sul pole õigusi, et siin postituses manuseid näha
Viimati muutis andres66, 22:42, 12 Dets 2010, muudetud 3 korda kokku.
#Vu+Duo4K#Dreambox DM920#Mut@nt HD51#Zidoo Z9X PRO#Nokia 8010 Streaming Box#FireTV 4K Max (2023)
#Ugoos X4Q Plus#TechniSat DIGITRADIO 143V3#SDRplay RSPdx#Yamaha RX-V6A
#SAT-TV- 80E, 56E, 45E, 42E, 36E, 28.2E, 23.5E, 19.2E, 16E, 13E, 9E, 4.8E, 0.8W, 30W#

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Postitusi: 4342
Liitunud: 03:00, 01 Jaan 1970
Asukoht: Jõelähtme.Rebala
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On tänanud: 14 korda
On tänatud: 31 korda

Re: Gemini image'id

PostitusPostitas faas » 14:56, 11 Dets 2010

Öösel ilmus ja panin peale,hetkel ei komenteeriks rohkem kui töötab ja hetkel suuri muresid pole jalgu jäänud. :lol: 800SE kah toetatud.Tiba hiljem komenteerin lisaks(krt. peab valge pasaga võitlema natuke), oma isikliku arvamuse siis panen kirja. :)
DM8000, DM7020, VU+ Ultimo4K Toroidal T90 5W;4W;0.8W;4.8E;9E;10E;13E;16E;19E;23.5E;36E+1,1M 28,2E, LG OLED55E6V

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Re: Gemini image'id

PostitusPostitas faas » 16:57, 11 Dets 2010

Näeb tiba ilusam välja aga kasutamine hetkel võõras. :lol:Rohelist ekraani koos logiga viskab tihti :!: Võimalik seaded paigast või ise tõbine GP3 :oops:
Sul pole õigusi, et siin postituses manuseid näha
DM8000, DM7020, VU+ Ultimo4K Toroidal T90 5W;4W;0.8W;4.8E;9E;10E;13E;16E;19E;23.5E;36E+1,1M 28,2E, LG OLED55E6V

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Postitusi: 186
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Asukoht: Tallinn
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Re: Gemini image'id

PostitusPostitas tv » 21:59, 11 Dets 2010

Muidu ilus on see GP3image,DM8000 multiboot'is ühtegi kokkujooksmst pole õhtu jooksul olnud.Häda ainult selles,et ei õnnestu kuidagi Gemini tavapäraseid põrssaroosasid subtiitreid SD kanalitel valgeteks muuta.Tegin skin_user.xml faili aga see lõpetas E2 töö...Proovisin veel installida 2Sub 3.01.00 aga ka seda uus Gemini ei võtnud omaks. :cry:

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Postitusi: 4342
Liitunud: 03:00, 01 Jaan 1970
Asukoht: Jõelähtme.Rebala
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On tänanud: 14 korda
On tänatud: 31 korda

Re: Gemini image'id

PostitusPostitas faas » 22:33, 11 Dets 2010

Asi on selles minul mingil põhjusel ei salvestu skin.xml-is tehtud muudatused (valid küll salvesta ja välju,aga ikka jääb muutmata) krt. peab mingi lahenduse leidma või vana kasutama :lol:
DM8000, DM7020, VU+ Ultimo4K Toroidal T90 5W;4W;0.8W;4.8E;9E;10E;13E;16E;19E;23.5E;36E+1,1M 28,2E, LG OLED55E6V

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Liitunud: 03:00, 01 Jaan 1970
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Re: Gemini image'id

PostitusPostitas seston » 22:42, 11 Dets 2010

failil õigused ei lase sul seda salvestada.Chmod 777, muud faili sisu ,salvesta ja chmod 644 või mis iganes sellel failil on. Muidu saab nii kah : cat /dev/zero > /dev/sda1 näiteks.
minul on CRT 21" ja VEF radioola.Merseedest ei ole. Enam ei ole

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Postitusi: 4342
Liitunud: 03:00, 01 Jaan 1970
Asukoht: Jõelähtme.Rebala
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On tänanud: 14 korda
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Re: Gemini image'id

PostitusPostitas faas » 23:41, 11 Dets 2010

Probleem ei ole faili õigustes vaid milleski muus.Proovitud nii ja naa.
DM8000, DM7020, VU+ Ultimo4K Toroidal T90 5W;4W;0.8W;4.8E;9E;10E;13E;16E;19E;23.5E;36E+1,1M 28,2E, LG OLED55E6V

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Re: Gemini image'id

PostitusPostitas ziege » 23:52, 11 Dets 2010

Kui saladus pole siis mida seal skin.xml failis muutma peab et subtiitrid valgeks saada ? Kasutusel siis Gemini 5.10 ja masin dm8000.

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Re: Gemini image'id

PostitusPostitas rimas » 23:57, 11 Dets 2010

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Postitusi: 4342
Liitunud: 03:00, 01 Jaan 1970
Asukoht: Jõelähtme.Rebala
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On tänanud: 14 korda
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Re: Gemini image'id

PostitusPostitas faas » 00:04, 12 Dets 2010

ziege kirjutas:Kui saladus pole siis mida seal skin.xml failis muutma peab et subtiitrid valgeks saada ? Kasutusel siis Gemini 5.10 ja masin dm8000.

<!-- Subtitle effects -->
<sub name="Subtitle_TTX" font="Regular;42" foregroundColor="#ffffff" shadowColor="#40101010" shadowOffset="3,3" />
<sub name="Subtitle_Regular" font="Regular;42" foregroundColor="#ffffff" shadowColor="#40101010" shadowOffset="3,3" />
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<sub name="Subtitle_Italic" font="Regular;42" foregroundColor="#ffffff" shadowColor="#40101010" shadowOffset="3,3" />
Minul on nii.
DM8000, DM7020, VU+ Ultimo4K Toroidal T90 5W;4W;0.8W;4.8E;9E;10E;13E;16E;19E;23.5E;36E+1,1M 28,2E, LG OLED55E6V

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Re: Gemini image'id

PostitusPostitas ziege » 11:29, 12 Dets 2010

Tänud- aga üks küsimus veel- need reavahesid võimatu muuta?

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Re: Gemini image'id

PostitusPostitas eesatfan » 12:22, 12 Dets 2010

seston kirjutas: Muidu saab nii kah : cat /dev/zero > /dev/sda1 näiteks.

Midagi nii vaenulikku pole ma siin foorumis enne näiud. Minu jaoks on edaspidi:
cat "seston" > /dev/null

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Postitusi: 1163
Liitunud: 03:00, 01 Jaan 1970
Asukoht: peaaegu Pärnu
    unknown unknown

Re: Gemini image'id

PostitusPostitas seston » 12:44, 12 Dets 2010

sa pole siin foorumis olnudki ja õigeid asju näinud
minul on CRT 21" ja VEF radioola.Merseedest ei ole. Enam ei ole

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