1. leht 16-st

Gemini image'id

Postitatud: 21:50, 30 Apr 2010
Postitas kain
Eeloleval nädalavahetusel lubatakse DM800, DM8000 ja esmakordselt ka DM500HD jaoks välja lasta uus Gemini image, järjekorranumbriga 5.0.
[email protected] kirjutas:This weekend it is so far, we will release the new Gemini-Images!
Gemini 5.0 Images for the DM800, for the DM8000 and the first Time for the DM500HD.

Essential is the switch to the OE Version 1.6 - where is a newer Kernel used, which ie. shortens the boot time a lot. Because of this reason, we also did a version jump to 5.0.

Because till now there is no newer Kernel available for the DM7025, wi made no 5.0 for the DM7025. But no Panic, if DMM provides a newer Kernel for the 7025, we will make DM7025 images again!

* Adaptions for 500HD
* Change to OE1.6, new kernel version
* FTP-Mounts - Mounts FTP-Servers as directories into the system (BP->Extras->FTP-Mount)
* new widget, animations (GIFs) in the skin
* The expert line in the infobar can be configured now
* Standby for USB-Harddisks (Attention: Doesn't work with all conrtolers)
* Device-Manager partially very strong revised

Fixes + Updates:
* Email-Checker fixed, can handle Googlemail accounts again, and no Enigma2 crash if no SSL-Connection can be done.
* The Stream-Traffic-Info should work better now on HD-Channels
* Weather
* Selectable quickbuttonfunctions extended
* see CVS

Attention on some harddisks the new kernel may cause problems.

On the DM8000 from the beta-series, a security chip update will maybe make a second boot necessary.

Your Gemini-Team!

Käivitusaja lühenemine on küll hea uudis!

Re: Gemini image'id

Postitatud: 13:07, 01 Mai 2010
Postitas kain
Nüüd väljas:
http://www.i-have-a-dreambox.com/wbb2/database.php kirjutas:Gemini2 v5.0
Enigma from 29.04.2010

An overview over most functions can be found here

Function Buttons:
* BLUE - Blue Panel (BP)
* BLUE long - Picture in Picture (DM7025, DM8000)
* 2x BLUE - BP -> Gemini Extras
* BLUE RED - File-Manager
* RED - Recording (not for DM8000)
* GREEN - Quickbutton / Subservices
* YELLOW - Timeshift (not for DM8000)

* Addon and Plugin Server
* Cryptinfos of the channel or Cam, Stick Cam to certain channels
* Function for managing many daemons / server (BP -> Services/Daemons)
* optical enhancements like HD-skin, additional icons or modification of the channel list
* Manager for format, setup or mount devices (BP -> Device-manager)
* Additional EPG-functionality like Autosave, Refresh or different EPG-format view
* Particular addons like Dreamnetcast, Jukebox, Calendar, eMail or eTorrent, just to name some of them
* Quickbutton, to define functionality of the Green button via menun
* Detailled information about your Dreambox (Menu -> Information)
* File-Manager, which can handle different format-types, regardless whether it is a picture-, audio-, videoformat, playlists, torrent, scripts or DVD-files (BP -> File-Manager)
* complete handling of hard disks, DVD-drives, USB-Sticks changed to udev (system handels those devices by itself)

Information about many other functions can be found at the IhaD-Board or our Wiki.

* Adaptions for 500HD
* Change to OE1.6, new kernel version
* FTP-Mounts - Mounts FTP-Servers as directories into the system (BP->Extras->FTP-Mount)
* new widget, animations (GIFs) in the skin
* ext2 or ext3 selectable if initialize
* The expert line in the infobar can be configured now
* Standby for USB-Harddisks (Attention: Doesn't work with all conrtolers)
* Device-Manager partially very strong revised

Fixes + Updates:
* Email-Checker fixed, can handle Googlemail accounts again, and no Enigma2 crash if no SSL-Connection can be done.
* The Stream-Traffic-Info should work better now on HD-Channels
* Selectable quickbuttonfunctions extended
* Weather
* see CVS

Attention on some harddisks the new kernel may cause problems.

* On the DM8000 from the beta-series, a security chip update will maybe make a second boot necessary.

This image doesn't contain any keys or softcams!
Backups or other modified images are not released by us
and won't be supported in any way!!!

Download via Database

Thank you and have fun
Your Gemini-Team

Re: Gemini image'id

Postitatud: 15:28, 01 Mai 2010
Postitas kain
Kaks tähelepanekut:
- minu DM8000 käivitusajaks Gemini2 4.70'ga oli 2:38 ja nüüd versiooniga 5.0 "ainult" 1:40. Võidad minuti...

- CrossEPG ei taha Gemini2 5.0 (Opendreambox 1.6) peale paigalduda :(
root@dm8000:/tmp# ipkg install crossepg-enigma2_0.3.2-svn-33_mipsel.ipk
pkg_parse_from_stream_nomalloc: missing new line character at end of file!
Installing crossepg-enigma2 (0.3.2-svn-33) to root...
pkg_parse_from_stream_nomalloc: missing new line character at end of file!
Configuring crossepg-enigma2

Re: Gemini image'id

Postitatud: 16:21, 03 Mai 2010
Postitas mcm
Ilmselt on tark natuke üleminekuga oodata. Kas Suomipoika MovieList plugin töötab selle uue imagega? Kas Barry Alleni upgrade'i on keegi katsetanud?

Re: Gemini image'id

Postitatud: 17:58, 03 Mai 2010
Postitas seltsimees
enne geminit oli DreamElite teamil päris hea OE versioon 1.6 image olemas ja see tahtis vaid flashile installi. Töötas päris hästi ja eriti hea tugi on nendel EPG-le. Aga dream elite team ütleb sulaselgelt et vanad pluginad ei tööta ja kuna lõpuks subtiitreid õieti tööle ei saanud siis tulin tagasi gemini 4.7 peale. Muidu tee mis tahad aga nende imaged on meeldivamad kui gemini omad. Geminiga vähemalt asi toimib normaalselt. Vaevalt et gemini OE 1.6 vanade pluginate suhtes teisiti käitub ja ise vist ei torma veel seda installima. Suvi ka kisub vägisi peale .....

Re: Gemini image'id

Postitatud: 19:42, 03 Mai 2010
Postitas rimas
DreamElite'ga Suomipoeka töötab.

Re: Gemini image'id

Postitatud: 20:37, 03 Mai 2010
Postitas kain
Samba server, mis Gemini 5.0 koosseisus on, on FUCKED! Ehk siis ei tööta.
Lahenduseks on, kui Samba server siit sobiva tuuneri Plugin alt uuesti laadida ja failid välja vahetada.

.mkv failide puhul ei tööta (vähemalt välised .srt) subtiitrid. On võimalik valida ja sisse lülitada aga lihtsalt ei kuvata ekraanil.

Re: Gemini image'id

Postitatud: 13:15, 08 Mai 2010
Postitas kain
Siin on käsitsi paigaldamiseks CrossEPG, mis töötab ka OE1.6'ga.

Teha vastav chmod käivitatavatele failidele.

Re: Gemini image'id

Postitatud: 16:12, 08 Mai 2010
Postitas ziege
Ja usb dvb-t tuner töötab ikka ianult DreamElite softiga või on selles vallas ka keegi teine edusamme teinud?

Re: Gemini image'id

Postitatud: 16:47, 08 Mai 2010
Postitas raivo
Proovisin igaks juhuks lt6-sp1-ga. See ka uus 1.6 tarkvara ja kehtivad samad reeglid mis dreamelite-l ja viimasel geminil. Istutasin draiverid õigetesse kaustadesse ja andsin ka failidele õiged õigused. Kuna teistel tarkvaradel pole kohta, kust saaks asja käivitada, siis logisin läbi telneti ja andsin sealt scriptile käsu kätte, aga ei miskit. Telnetis jooksid küll samad read läbi nagu dreamelite-l käivitades, usb tuunerit aga juurde ei tekkinud. Samas LT näitas ilusti draivereid kerneli moodulites. Geminiga sama asja pole katsetanud, aga kui aega saan, siis proovin ka sellega sama trikki teha.

Edit: Kõige tõenäolisemalt tekib see usb tvb-t tugi järgmisena juurde pli-le. Sellega majandatakse täie hooga ja vähemalt on hetkel sellel e2 subtiitrite poolest juba ette jõutud CVS tarkvara tegijatest. See mida fritsud pole aastaid teha suutnud, on seal juba olemas. Open pli txt subtiitrid igati OK, välja arvatud see Õ. CVS tegijad võiks natuke vahelduseks häbi tunda ja küll otsitakse ettekäändeid selleks, miks ikka seda pli txt patchi ei saa kasutada cvc-s.

Samas ei saa ma ka jälle aru miks ei saa ja ei taha dreamelite mehed seda pli patchi kasutada. Seal aga jauratakse, et pole cvs-s ja nemad midagi ikka teha ei saa. Bla bla bla ......

Re: Gemini image'id

Postitatud: 16:16, 15 Juul 2010
Postitas seston
gemini 5.0 ja ei leia kanaleid sattidelt ülesse.Satfainder näitab küll signaali ja puha aga kui panna otsima siis on 0.28,2e ei leidnud ühtegi transpondrit.Kuis saaks üle asjast?

Re: Gemini image'id

Postitatud: 13:21, 23 Juul 2010
Postitas kain
Nädalavahetusel tulekul Gemini 5.1

At the weekend we will release the Gemini 5.1 Image for the DM500hd, DM800 and DM8000. Because DMM still did no DM7025 OE1.6 Image, we also can't provide you one. But as already said: If DMM does a 1.6 OE Image for dem DM7025, there will be a new Gemini too!

* HFS- and HFSPlus filesystems included
* Info about new release. Atcivate over BP->Settings->General. Then will blink a "R" in the Infobar, if something new is out. The Check will be done between 00:00 and 01:00.
* Partitions can be named anytime now.
* The Filemanager can start everytime with the same selectable folder now.
* OpenVPN now supported, in our wiki is already described, how to use the dream as server.
* Webinterface for ctorrent

Fixes + Updates:
* better support for Unicable
* Countries/Cities lists extended in the Weatherplugin
* update to ctorrent 3.3.2, addon revised
* see CVS

Re: Gemini image'id

Postitatud: 13:34, 24 Juul 2010
Postitas kain
Olemas http://www.i-have-a-dreambox.com/wbb2/database.php:
Gemini2 v5.1
Enigma from 21.07.2010

An overview over most functions can be found here

Function Buttons:
* BLUE - Blue Panel (BP)
* BLUE long - Picture in Picture (DM7025, DM8000)
* 2x BLUE - BP -> Gemini Extras
* BLUE RED - File-Manager
* RED - Recording (not for DM8000)
* GREEN - Quickbutton / Subservices
* YELLOW - Timeshift (not for DM8000)

* Addon and Plugin Server
* Cryptinfos of the channel or Cam, Stick Cam to certain channels
* Function for managing many daemons / server (BP -> Services/Daemons)
* optical enhancements like HD-skin, additional icons or modification of the channel list
* Manager for format, setup or mount devices (BP -> Device-manager)
* Additional EPG-functionality like Autosave, Refresh or different EPG-format view
* Particular addons like Dreamnetcast, Jukebox, Calendar, eMail or eTorrent, just to name some of them
* Quickbutton, to define functionality of the Green button via menun
* Detailled information about your Dreambox (Menu -> Information)
* File-Manager, which can handle different format-types, regardless whether it is a picture-, audio-, videoformat, playlists, torrent, scripts or DVD-files (BP -> File-Manager)
* complete handling of hard disks, DVD-drives, USB-Sticks changed to udev (system handels those devices by itself)

Information about many other functions can be found at the IhaD-Board or our Wiki.

* HFS- and HFSPlus filesystems included
* Info about new release. Atcivate over BP->Settings->General. Then will blink a "R" in the Infobar, if something new is out. The Check will be done between 00:00 and 01:00.
* Partitions can be named anytime now.
* The Filemanager can start everytime with the same selectable folder now.
* OpenVPN now supported, in our wiki is already described, how to use the dream as server.
* Webinterface for ctorrent

Fixes + Updates:
* better support for Unicable
* Countries/Cities lists extended in the Weatherplugin
* update to ctorrent 3.3.2, addon revised
* see CVS

For the Skiners:
A Change in the network-overview and in Skin_Config2Button (have a look at BKskin.py)

This image doesn't contain any keys or softcams!
Backups or other modified images are not released by us
and won't be supported in any way!!!

Download via Database

Thank you and have fun
Your Gemini-Team


Re: Gemini image'id

Postitatud: 14:22, 24 Juul 2010
Postitas Inq
Huvitav kas plaadi kõrvetamise bugi on kõrvaldatud :roll:

Re: Gemini image'id

Postitatud: 16:53, 24 Juul 2010
Postitas faas
Eks proovi,on uus versioon ilmunud juba paar päeva tagasi.