2. leht 2-st

Postitatud: 13:47, 24 Dets 2005
Postitas videomakk
tigekala kirjutas:
greedy kirjutas:...selle peale ei ole tulnud et sh** pakkujad nüüd kah C**o kaarti kasutavad...
Kas sa ise selle peale pole tulnud, et kuidas sellist teenust müüa kui ei tea kasutusaega? Pilt
Kas kuu, nädala või päeva kaupa? Pilt Või üldse XXXNDSXXX moodi? Pilt

XXXNDSXXX moodi? mis see tähendab? osta minu käest :P

Postitatud: 13:57, 24 Dets 2005
Postitas tigekala
videomakk kirjutas:XXXNDSXXX moodi? mis see tähendab? osta minu käest :P
Eks sa loe foorumi ajalugu... saad aru, mis see tähendab!

Postitatud: 15:53, 24 Dets 2005
Postitas videomakk
nu jAH aga spordi avamine premieril e tohiks probleem olla

Postitatud: 17:05, 30 Dets 2005
Postitas diseq
lihtsalt selline uudis

Viimastel nädalatel väga ebakindlalt esinenud Premiere (PRE) pidi täna jälle hinnast andma tugevad -4,54%. Põhjuseks spekulatsioonid teemal, et analoogset teleteenust pakkuval Unity Media GmbH-l on hetkel väga hea võimalus meelitada enda juurde väga suurel hulgal praegusi Premiere kliente. Nimelt võitis eelnimetatud telekanal õiguse näidata järgneval kolmel aastal Saksamaa jalgpalli liigamänge. Siiani oli antud mängude ülekandmine kuulunud Premiere peamiste müügiargumentide hulka.


Postitatud: 09:54, 13 Jaan 2006
Postitas gasth404
Kui ma nüüd õieti aru saan siis täna sakslaste kohus peaks otsustama kas kaupmehed peavad välja andma informatsooni kellele nad cerebro(zebra) kaarte müünud on ja kellelt neid saanud on. Usun et neid on ka selle foorumi kasutajate hulgas. See muidugi saab olema huvitav pretsedent mida nendega edasi ette võetakse. Panen siia teksti ka see pärineb küll dudez-i foorumist. Otsisin kuid kahjuks originaalteksti ei leidnud, paistab et see on tõlge.
Press statement Premiere

Regensburg, the 12.01.2006

Press statement Premiere code cracked. Premiere complains from dealers information about private customers a I concerning possibly threatens substantial demands for payment of damages and criminal consequences. Offered since that 26,11,2005 in lnternet an illegal software, with which a Smartcard of the mark "ZebraCard can be programmed. Thus the offer of the Pay TV of transmitter can be decoded. The selling of the Smartcard is likewise forbidden to already numerous dealers and by provisional order was forbidden. Additionally they are to give information over all customers, to whom the Smartcards was driven out.With the verbal negotiation at the 11.01.2006 before the regional court Hamburg in a provisional order procedure between Premiere and 5 German Sat dealers showed the court that it will reject the contradiction of the dealers, which these had raised against giving information. Thus the dealers will be obligated in all probability judicially under menace by means of coercion to give information over the buyers of the ZebraCard maps. The dealers let further judicial measures examine at present for the protection against the requirements for information.Premiere had proceeded in the middle of December 2005 with provisional orders against approximately 20 InterNet dealers of Sat products in Germany. In the resolution of the regional court Hamburg it had been stated that the spreading and application are forbidden by Smartcards, if this is suitable after downloading an appropriate illegal software from lnternet for the evasion of the Premiere... This interdiction was expressed in particular, because the ZebraCard maps in such a way specified by the average customer with high Wa.. as products for the bad use of Premiere television one notices and became. In the case of ignoring threaten the order the dealers up to 250.000.e Order money or order detention up to 6 months.The argumentation of the users and dealers irn to apron, which maps have also legal ranges of application, as for instance the mechanism of electronic entrance systems, became from the court as protection statements evaluated and therefore not further considered, go around the "actual application" of the maps in practice, and not the "theoretical application possibility". The provisional orders of in the middle of December 2005 obligated the dealers however not only to the omission of further sale of the maps, but also to of information over manufacturer, dealer, selling ways, quantity of the maps and above all name and address of the customers, who had acquired such ZebraCard maps. Hiergegen had woman barrister Sabine XXX the 5 dealers represents, inserted contradiction. "our contradiction is directed on the one hand against giving information in the whole one, because a provisional order represents in principle only a provisional decision. If now information is given over the customers, thereby the main thing is anticipated which however only in closely limited cases is permissible ". "details such an exceptional case have the legislator however with § 101 A Abs. 3 UrhG production, which is applicable in this case ", argued the opposite side. The court seems to want to follow this opinion now also. Contradiction was raised in particular from Sabine XXX in addition, expressly and against giving information over names and addresses of the private customers of the maps. "the law plans expressly only one requirement for information concerning the commercial customers, the suppliers and manufacturers, not however the private customers", thus Sabine XXX. In opinion of the woman barrister the legal delimitation has the sense given by the legislator on the commercial customers to protect private individuals in its privatsphaere and personality and to reserve their pursuit excluding the public prosecutor's office and police. The opposite side considers however the private customers not protection needy and wants an appropriate requirement for information on, faithful and faith "to deduce, to a general protection regulation of the BGB. Der requirement on information also on the not commercial customers follows from a similar use of § 101 A Abs. 2 UrhG, or from faithful and faith, there Premiere only with knowledge also the private customers further law breakings to prevent ", so the attorney von Premiere knows. The court made 01.2006 clear in the verbal negotiation at the 11 that dealers will give also immediate information over the private customers to have. Main argument of the court is in particular that by the use also by the private customers Premiere sequential damage is caused to the ZebraCard map. The acceptance of this permanent damage cannot be zugemutet Premiere. On the reference of woman barrister Sabine XXX the fact that alone the acquisition of the ZebraCard map proves still no unauthorized Premiere receipt that it requires in addition rather still the illegal software, became from the Premiere lawyers with the argument met that is to be assumed the customers might have acquired however exactly for this purpose the maps.If the court decides on Friday, which 13.01.2006 by rejection of the contradiction of the dealers actually that the dealers over names and addresses of all manufacturers, salesmen and customer - also the private customers - must give information, these against the judgement by inserting an appointment to the next higher court will probably turn. , we must protect our customer data ", so the dealers. "it cannot be that Premiere of a civil court gets permission for out-requiring the data of our customers. If the legislator would have planned in such a way, then there would be no express restriction in the laws on the commercial customers ". This changes certainly nothing in the fact that numerous other dealers already gave information. Which employs Premiere with these data now, remains being waiting.

Postitatud: 11:58, 13 Jaan 2006
Postitas videomakk
Päris põnev kuda nad omaarust otsustavad need kaardid kokku korjata :lol: see oleks tõesti pretsedent

Postitatud: 15:53, 13 Jaan 2006
Postitas satikas
gasth404 kirjutas: Otsisin kuid kahjuks originaalteksti ei leidnud, paistab et see on tõlge.

Originaal pdf kujul:

link: http://www.i-have-a-dreambox.com/wbb2/a ... ntid=15767

Minu andmetel paljud Saksamaa veebipoed müüsid mitte Cereb*o kaarte vaid, lihtsat 6464c kaarti :D


Postitatud: 21:53, 17 Jaan 2006
Postitas diseq
MDAX nimekirjas on täna jälle suurema languse läbi teinud Premiere (PRE). Kui siiani levis valdavalt arvamus, et Saksamaa jalgpalli liigamängude näitamise õiguse võitnud Arena hakkab ülekannete tegemiseks koostööd tegema Premierega, siis viimase juhtkond lükkas täna arvamuse ümber. Premiere on täna teate peale kukkunud -10,22% ning seega teinud ka uue kõigi aegade põhja.

Postitatud: 22:01, 17 Jaan 2006
Postitas tigekala
satikas kirjutas:Minu andmetel paljud Saksamaa veebipoed müüsid mitte Cereb*o kaarte vaid, lihtsat 6464c kaarti.
See oli nn. teisel ringil, kui asi juba tuliseks läks...

Sellest kohtujutust niipalju, et müüjad andsid KÕIK ülesse, kes panga kaudu maksid.
Targemad muidugi ostsid sula eest...
Seal käib kõva uurimine... kutsutakse Polizei'sse - näidake kaardid ette, mis ostsite.
Kes seda ette nägi, ostis nt. Belgiast või UK-st uued kaardid ja näitab nüüd neid. :wink:

Postitatud: 21:31, 29 Sept 2006
Postitas leopold2
http://www.funfiles.cc/index.php Premiere back on T-Rex! väidetavalt

Postitatud: 21:55, 29 Sept 2006
Postitas aandra
leopold2 kirjutas:http://www.funfiles.cc/index.php Premiere back on T-Rex! väidetavalt

See on T-Rex 4.5, mitte dragon, ehk T-Rex 4.1

Postitatud: 22:48, 29 Sept 2006
Postitas tigekala
Juba uus versioon sellest moodulist - 4.6.