UHD kanalid, uudised

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Re: UHD uudised,kanalid

PostitusPostitas tigekala » 09:08, 09 Juun 2016

Hotbird 13B - 13E peal
Itaalia operaator Tivusat, kanal UHD Channel test - 12399H, SR27500, FEC2/3, DVB-S2/8PSK/HEVC, Nagravision3
LG OLED 65E7V-Z + Dreambox DM900 Ultra HD - 36E > 28,2E > 19,2E > 13E > 9E > 4,8E > 0,8W + Cisco EPC3940AL 2.4/5G WiFi modem/router + Netflix

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Re: UHD uudised,kanalid

PostitusPostitas tigekala » 10:58, 13 Juun 2016

Hotbird 13B - 13E peal
Itaalia riiklik operaator Rai, kanal Rai 4K - 12399H, SR27500, FEC2/3, DVB-S2/8PSK/HEVC, Nagravision3 - praegu nimetuse TEST all


See on Nagravision3 uus CAID 183E vaatajakaart, jagamises seda veel pole...
Le Partite degli Europei sul canale Rai 4K saranno visibili Solo con la nuova Gold Card Tivusat CAID 183E.
Per le vecchie card con CAID 183D le partite non saranno visibili in 4K. Il CAID 183D funzionerà solo per i canali Rai SD e Rai HD.
Vabatõlge -
EM mängud kannab Rai 4K kanal üle Ultra HD resoga ja neid saab avada ainult uue vaatajakaardiga - Gold Tivusat CAID 183E.
Vanemate kaartidega CAID 183D, kanal Rai 4K ei ole nähtav. CAID 183D töötab ainult Rai HD ja SD kanalitega.
LG OLED 65E7V-Z + Dreambox DM900 Ultra HD - 36E > 28,2E > 19,2E > 13E > 9E > 4,8E > 0,8W + Cisco EPC3940AL 2.4/5G WiFi modem/router + Netflix

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Re: UHD uudised,kanalid

PostitusPostitas tigekala » 07:02, 16 Juun 2016

Astra 1M - 19,2E peal
Operaator Sky Deutschland, kanal DarkStar UHD - 11798H, SR27500, FEC9/10, DVB-S2/QPSK/HEVC, Videoguard


LG OLED 65E7V-Z + Dreambox DM900 Ultra HD - 36E > 28,2E > 19,2E > 13E > 9E > 4,8E > 0,8W + Cisco EPC3940AL 2.4/5G WiFi modem/router + Netflix

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Re: UHD uudised,kanalid

PostitusPostitas satDX » 15:03, 20 Juun 2016

TRT 4K - hea programm :), ainult keelest ei saa aru :(
tuleb päris hästi ka Soomes, Tamperel, Triax 110 cm antenniga ja Pana CX-800 telekaga
Ainult telekas salvestas selle kanali millegipärast vabade kanalite kausta, mitte UHD kausta
Kõik läänekiirega HD-kanalid on ka vastuvõetavad, Pana satituuner tundub päris tundlik olevat

rootsikunn kirjutas:http://www.flysat.com/turksat42-uhd.php


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Re: UHD uudised,kanalid

PostitusPostitas satDX » 15:38, 20 Juun 2016

Algas jalka France - Romania :D
Kanal TRT 4K :o

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Re: UHD uudised,kanalid

PostitusPostitas peeter3000 » 21:42, 18 Juul 2016

Sky UHD kanal 13.08

Sky's UHD service will be carried on the UK-only beam of Astra 2E and will be not be received in southern or eastern Europe. The frequency will be 10744 H DVB-S2, 8PSK, HEVC. Even if a viewer takes a Sky Q Silver box out from the UK, a large dish would need a specially-adapted four-tuner Sky Q LNB. Currently, these are only available for elliptical Sky mini dishes of 53cm and 74cm.

http://www.forbes.com/sites/johnarcher/ ... e3324e644b

for sports fans with 4K TVs will be Sky’s coverage of Formula 1, which will see every race of the 2017 season being shown in Ultra HD..
DVB-T/T2:Eesti-SoomeDigi/ DVB-C:Starman HD/DVB-S: Mabo 125x140cm/TBS5922

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Re: UHD uudised,kanalid

PostitusPostitas tigekala » 10:54, 21 Juul 2016

Astra 1M - 19,2E peal
HDR test 2 UHD - 10714H, SR23500, FEC3/4, DVB-S2/8PSK/HEVC


LG OLED 65E7V-Z + Dreambox DM900 Ultra HD - 36E > 28,2E > 19,2E > 13E > 9E > 4,8E > 0,8W + Cisco EPC3940AL 2.4/5G WiFi modem/router + Netflix

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Re: UHD uudised,kanalid

PostitusPostitas rootsikunn » 15:47, 21 Juul 2016

tigekala kirjutas:Astra 1M - 19,2E peal
HDR test 2 UHD - 10714H, SR23500, FEC3/4, DVB-S2/8PSK/HEVC

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Re: UHD uudised,kanalid

PostitusPostitas rootsikunn » 10:41, 04 Aug 2016

Ajutiselt pilt ka .DarkStar kanalil.. Pilt

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Re: UHD uudised,kanalid

PostitusPostitas tigekala » 10:21, 20 Aug 2016

Kanal Arte näitab balletti ja 4 kontserti Ultra HD kvaliteediga

Saated ARTE Ultra HD algavad 3. septembril, 11.15 Berliini aja järgi balletiga "Korsar" ( Viini Riiklik balleti- ja ooperiteater),
peale seda 4 kontserti -
13.20 Inglise rock grupp The Libertines
14.45 Show DJ Rone
16.20 Iiri folk grupp Villagers festivalil Route du Rock
17.40 Viiuldaja-tšellist Edgar Moro, Orchestre National du Capitol de Toulouse

Kanal UHD1 by Astra/HD+, Astra 1L - 19,2Е peal, 10994H, SR22000, FEC5/6, DVB-S2/8PSK/HEVC, FTA

Kanal Hot Bird 4K1, Eutelsat/Hot Bird 13E - 13Е peal, 10727H, SR30000, FEC3/4, DVB-S2/8PSK/HEVC, FTA

Kanal Fransat Ultra HD, Eutelsat 5W - 5W peal, 10727H, SR 29950, FEC3/4, DVB-S2/8PSK/HEVC, FTA
LG OLED 65E7V-Z + Dreambox DM900 Ultra HD - 36E > 28,2E > 19,2E > 13E > 9E > 4,8E > 0,8W + Cisco EPC3940AL 2.4/5G WiFi modem/router + Netflix

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Re: UHD uudised,kanalid

PostitusPostitas tigekala » 10:47, 24 Aug 2016

Sky Deutschland, 19,2E peal, lubab panna sügisel tööle 2 Ultra HD kanalit - Sky Sport Bundesliga UHD ja Sky Sport UHD.

LG OLED 65E7V-Z + Dreambox DM900 Ultra HD - 36E > 28,2E > 19,2E > 13E > 9E > 4,8E > 0,8W + Cisco EPC3940AL 2.4/5G WiFi modem/router + Netflix

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Re: UHD uudised,kanalid

PostitusPostitas rootsikunn » 12:46, 27 Aug 2016

tigekala kirjutas:Sky Deutschland, 19,2E peal, lubab panna sügisel tööle 2 Ultra HD kanalit - Sky Sport Bundesliga UHD ja Sky Sport UHD.


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Re: UHD uudised,kanalid

PostitusPostitas tigekala » 07:55, 05 Sept 2016

Hotbird 13B - 13Е peal
Kanal Hot Bird 4K 2 HDR - 12015H, SR30000, FEC5/6, DVB-S2/8PSK/HEVC, FTA
LG OLED 65E7V-Z + Dreambox DM900 Ultra HD - 36E > 28,2E > 19,2E > 13E > 9E > 4,8E > 0,8W + Cisco EPC3940AL 2.4/5G WiFi modem/router + Netflix

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Re: UHD uudised,kanalid

PostitusPostitas hexman » 09:02, 05 Sept 2016

Sul pole õigusi, et siin postituses manuseid näha

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Re: UHD uudised,kanalid

PostitusPostitas margusten » 21:24, 07 Sept 2016

peeter3000 kirjutas:NASA, Harmonic Launch First Non-Commercial UHD Channel in North America.

Using an end-to-end UHD video delivery system from Harmonic, NASA Television will have the capability to deliver linear 2160p60 video content, allowing viewers to enjoy footage on a wide range of television and internet-connected devices. The new UHD channel is expected to launch on Nov. 1, following preliminary tests.

Harmonic currently is in discussions with pay TV operators to carry the channel on the satellite, cable and optical networks for consumer access. The channel also will stream on the Internet, which will require at least 13 MBps access connectivity to receive the signal and enjoy the UHD experience.
https://www.nasa.gov/press-release/nasa ... th-america


NASA UHD is an ambient video channel highlighting beautiful imagery from the space program, leveraging the latest 4K ultra-high definition technologies. Utilizing an end-to-end UHD video delivery system from Harmonic, NASA can deliver live and linear 2160p60 video content, enabling consumers to enjoy crystal-clear footage on a wide range of television and IP-connected devices. A test signal of NASA UHD is currently available on the AMC 18C satellite, with a North American footprint. - See more at: http://www.harmonicinc.com/resources/vi ... FChiA.dpuf

http://www.broadbandtvnews.com/2015/11/ ... roadcasts/
Transmitted in the clear via the SES AMC-18C satellite, NASA TV UHD is remotely produced by Harmonic and jointly operated with NASA. Harmonic is currently in discussions with pay-TV operators to carry the channel on their satellite DTH, cable and optical networks.

Tests are underway to enable consumption on a wide range of television and IP-connected devices. The channel will also be available for OTT streaming at a later date, to be determined.
NASA TV UHD consists of eight brand-new TV series designed to explore the various facets of NASA’s space programme. These include: ISS Life, documenting life on the space station from the first-person perspective of the astronauts; Earth View, the astronauts’ unique perception of our planet; Solar System, showing vibrant imagery of the earth’s neighboring planets and the sun, including time-lapse videos using solar dynamics observatory images; Deep Space, animated UHD still imagery captured from the Hubble telescope and other telescopic platforms; NASA Classics, important highlights from NASA’s history, such as the Apollo program; Mars, an entire programme dedicated to the intriguing red planet; Liftoff, an up-close look at spacecraft launches, including rocket tests; and Development, detailing the training and R&D efforts that take place before each NASA mission.

Hakkas tulema mul see kanal positsioonil 24,5W antenn 1.6M otsefookus.
Signaal tugev aga pole mul UHD telekat ega tuunerit.
Pean arvutiga kuidagi vaatama.
VLC player isegi näitab pilti.

Sul pole õigusi, et siin postituses manuseid näha
Aerial AS24 polarmount 76E - 13E Ku+C; 2.1M 87E C; 2.4M 7E; 2xTriax110Ku; 3M 28.2E; 30W.
Amiko Viper4K; DR.HD F15; TBS-5925; TBS-5520SE.

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