Mutant-200 Nabilo v. 0.8 Final2

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Mutant-200 Nabilo v. 0.8 Final2

PostitusPostitas sationu » 16:14, 26 Juun 2007

Unofficial Nabilo v. 0.8 for Mutant 200s Final2

Here is the Nabilosat Image V. 0.8.
The main new of this version is that the skin system have been entirely recoded.
The new skin system is a singificative improvement in Nabilosat Images story.
This 0.8 version is MORE AND MORE STABLE AND FAST.
Many graphics objects have been added (Nabilosat Image v 0.8 is the first image in the world to have an Analogic Clock in the OSD).
There is a new way to manage extra/light skin.
In this 0.8 version, when OSD is shown you can press the button OK to have INSTANTLY the extra skin information on OSD.
You can set an option too to have a persistent clock on the television screen.
The new skin Validation 8 used all the new graphic improvments of the 0.8 versions with a very high quality style effect.
Warning: You can use only Skins for V. 0.8++ on this image.


Busybox: 1.2.2
Kernel: 2.6.17 By Sandali
Uboot: 1.1.1 By Sandali
Graphics additions by Nabilosat team
Graphics Develop Consulting by Vali, Matrix, Army and Porto
Web Interface: Nabilosat edition by Army
Support Sharp Tuner 288 / 299
Fix About window
Fix Remote controll
Fix password. Default is: ipbox

Build for ipbox by Black§kettl
Katsetatud,download OK,ei toimi EPG,Teletext,ainult läbi Web interface.
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